Kanina and Zach

Kanina and Zach

Friday, January 10, 2014

Animal Lover

All my life I have loved animals. Dogs mostly. When I was in college I had this dog named Boo. He was so smart. I taught him how to do all the basic tricks and he even learned how to slide and swing. Boo, however, was aggressive towards kids so I actually had to give him away :(
So for the first time in a long time I didn't have any pets! Then I walked in to a pet store just to look around and there was a sweet poor little boston terrier. The owner said she was the runt of the litter and was probably blind in one eye because it was blue. It was so cold out and she was dirty, scared and shivering....
So I took her home:) and named her Zoe! Zoe soon became our sweet little angel! She stole the hearts of many!!!

Then one day I decided that Zoe need a companion. She just seemed so lonely. So after a lot of begging I had Zach talked into getting a tiny Yorkie! I went to the pet store and bought a little 4pounder and named him Gizmo!!
Well, Gizmo didn't stay 4lbs in fact at his heaviest he was almost 30lbs! Yep I got a giant Yorkie! But he is so smart and he is Zoe's best friend. 
So for years I listened to Zach talk about how he wanted a big dog. I decided I wanted a Great Dane! But they were so big and expensive so we had to wait. Then one day we pulled up to the gas station and there she was!!! The newest member of our family---Izzy!!!!
She was so shy in the beginning.....but boy did she grow out of that fast!!!

So here I am with 3 kids- Zoe, Gizmo and Izzy. They actually get along great and I am so happy they're mine. They can be a handful but I wouldn't trade em for anything!!!!

They really seem to like the water....well sort of! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's hard not being perfect.

To say that an entire group of people are horrible based on the mistakes of a few is bigotry- no matter how you look at it. I think its sad that if one, two or three Christians make a mistake all Christians are horrible. That's like saying all men are bad just because a few don't know how to treach a woman.......
It's unjust to say that all Christians are wretched just because they may not belive the way you do. There are groups out there that want equality. If you're a part of that group then YOU yourself need to show that same equality to others that believe differently than you. Even the majority of Christians don't speak for the entire group. A few bad apples should not spoil the bunch. The same way every white person doesn't speak for me. Or every female doesn't feel the same way I do. Or every 30 year old doesn't act the way I do.
Our nation is too sensitive. The media feeds off of it.
No matter how you look at it sin is sin. No matter how you look at it wrong is wrong. The problem is....we don't know right from wrong anymore.
Christianity gets the minority vote. Shoot most people don't even feel that Christmas is a Christian holiday.
I'm sick and tired of all the bickering.
I'm sick and tired of the comments such as "yeah those so called Christians don't know how to be nice, forgiving or take care of one another." Well, then how about YOU step up and be nice, forgiving and loving. Quit worrying so much about what EVERYONE else is doing or not doing because they are of a certain religion, sexuality, sex- WHATEVER the case may be.
This is how I see it. A nurse isn't going to do everything she needs to do during her shift 100% of the time, a cashier isn't going to smile and be friendly to every single person that walks through her line, I'm not going to give all my change to the Salvation Army every time I walk into Wal-Mart, a postal worker isn't going to deliver every piece of mail in perfect condition, a boss is going to do something wrong, a preacher is subject to sin, a teacher may not always be right.........You get the freaking point. STOP EXPECTING THE IMPOSSIBLE WHEN IT COMES TO HUMANS!
Let me think- I curse, I yell at people on the road because I have road rage, I drink wine from time to time, I forget to pray sometimes, if you see me out at Wal-Mart I might be grouchy especially if I didn't sleep good- I could think of MILLIONS of things that I do wrong. BUT DOES that make me a horrible person?? NO! Should I be damned because I believe in God but don't act perfect- NO. It makes me human! Do I think I am "holier than thou" because I'm a born again Christian. No -I think I am blessed, forgiven, thankful and I know that every day I am going to SUCK at something! But you know what- I'm going to grow from every mistake. Every day I'm going be stronger, wiser and better.
My point is- that no one, regardless of race, religion, sex, age- is perfect. Only God was perfect. And for anyone to expect an entire group of people to be perfect is insane. EVERYONE is going to make mistakes. But mistakes don't make an entire group of people hate mongerers or "high and mighty" or "holier than thou".
STOP! STOP fighting, fussing, blaming, pointing your finger, or WHATEVER it is that you're doing that is causing so much HATE in this WORLD! TAKE CONTROL OF YOU. YOU be nice, you say thank you and you're welcome and excuse me. If you feel that a certain group of people are bad then don't stoop to that level. Love them, show them kindness, show that YOU are a good person. AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING WRONG!!!! Because guess what Im not perfect, you're not perfect---it is what it is. But today is a brand new day and I personally am going to do what I can to be a good person. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Floridians Visit--FINALLY ;-)

We don't get to see our Florida family very often but when we do- We have a blast. It's like we just pick up wherever we left off-- no matter how long it has been since our previous visit.  I got a message from Aunt Melanie last week saying that they were coming up this weekend- OH NO we are going to be out of town. But I had to see my family. I haven't seen sweet Delia and Mackenzie in so LONG --- yeah or Tiffany and Aunt Mel either ;)
Anyway they made the 8 hour trek from Florida to come see us we had to make sure we got to see them! They made their first stop to visit our Aunt Faye and then landed finally at PawPaw and Judy's.

Zach and I- after not getting in until 2:30 AM that morning got up and headed to Centre. It is so beautiful out there!

Centre is definitely a beautiful place! I miss it sometimes!
We played out by the lake some, caught a few fish. And just enjoyed each others' company. Then pawpaw decided to start a bon fire in his grill so Zach went to his rescue. The end result were awesome burgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob (made very easily and hopefully I can remember Judy's trick). Then- of course dessert with pies and some yummy haystacks! Our time was short but sweet. We got some good pix and will hold on to our fun memories until our next visit! Which I hope is sooner rather than later. We hope you guys have a safe trip back home- Love you Tiffany, Melanie, Delia and Mackenzie!!!
Poor Baby did not feel good.

Delia had a blast fishing!

She was determined that she was going to take something home from Alabama and then she found it- COTTON!

Sweet baby girl--she hooked a few more things that just fish but had a great time!

Delia put her first worm on a hook- YAY!!!!

We caught a lot of these little guys but they all got to go back home.

                                                       Nana helped the boys fish a little too.

                                                                      Wyatt was having a good time!

Jay and Amanda came to visit!
And before we left we managed to get in a group photo- a partial harvest Deb calls it!

Monday, October 28, 2013

October traditions

Many families have traditions that they try to keep year in and year out. Some have yearly family reunions or make sure they get together during Thanksgiving or Christmas. Well, our October tradition with our extended family started for us- I guess last year. We try normally go to a lot of haunted houses...which this year we didn't get to go to a single one. Which could be because we are all getting so old;) But the tradition that I want to make sure we keep -is going to Old Baker's Farm in Harpersville to pick pumpkins!! 
It is so much fun! This year we did things a little differently. We started our day at the house eating left over soups and grilled sandwiches-yummmmm. Then we all- Cassie, Paul, Heather, Michael, Jan, Collin, Stephanie, Zach and I loaded up in 2 vehicles and drove to the farm. I was afraid there wouldn't be any pumpkins left but there were definitely plenty to choose from! We got to watch a war reenactment, pick our pumpkins and enjoy the fall festivities! 
After we picked our pumpkins and Heather had some "slap yo mama" roasted corn that had our mouths on fire we loaded up and headed right down the street to Morgan Creek winery! There we sipped wine, took a tour and relaxed outside in the beautiful air.

Jan got a little bored and Paul's head was hurting so we loaded back up and headed home !
BUT- a few of us decided our day wasn't done! So first we trekked to World of Beer
and having horrible service went to JT's Bar and met up with Big Rex. After watching a delightful costume contest and playing some pool it was definitely time to call it a night--err early morning;)